Insurance Commission

Illegally Operating Companies

The following companies are NOT authorized to transact in any insurance, pre-need, or Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) business.

Name of CompanyNature of BusinessDate of Issuance of Cease and Desist Order (CDO)
Majar Insurance Agency and Business VenturePre-Need19 June 2017
One Life Memorial Systems EnterprisePre-Need14 June 2016
Majar Senior Citizen DamayanPre-Need22 May 2015
Win Mortuary PlanPre-Need

The public strongly advised NOT to transact with any of the above-mentioned companies or their representatives as they are not duly authorized by the Insurance Commission to do insurance, pre-need, HMO, or as an intermediary. Please refrain from transacting business with any other company or person that does not possess valid licenses from this Commission and/or other concerned government agencies.

Please notify this Commission through the IC Regulation, Enforcement, and Prosecution Division by calling (632) 8523-8461 local 115 or emailing